2023 Awards Winner & Finalists


WINNER: Mammoet Europe BV

Several world records were broken by using 748 axle lines of SPMT and 30 power packs to move the 20,300-ton FPSO vessel Curlew into a decommissioning and recycling facility in Norway. The record project sets a new standard in the industry.


Hareket Heavy Lifting and Project Transportation Co.

A clever combination of various types and brands of SPMTs and SPTs was deployed for the movement of the heaviest load ever moved in Turkey, a cargo ship with a weight of 10,350 tonne.

FINALIST: Wagenborg GmbH

The new bridge deck in Kamen, Germany, was preassembled at a nearby construction site and placed in its entirety. The inclined design of the large 725 tonne structure provided tricky challenges for the transport crew.