COVID-19: Transport impact of new measures in the Netherlands

On December 18, the Dutch Government announced details of a national lockdown that will last until at least Friday, January 14, 2022.

The lockdown includes the closure of all non-essential shops, bars, restaurants and theatres. Only food stores (supermarkets and takeaway points) will remain open to the public.

The consequences for the transport sector are as follows:

  • The green lanes are maintained, including those with the United Kingdom.
  • The testing and quarantine obligations do NOT APPLY to professional drivers. This is also the case for hauliers travelling from outside EU into the EU.
  • Petrol stations (with their shops) will remain open after 17:00.
  • The catering facilities at petrol stations along the main road network are open only to professional drivers.
  • The catering establishments at petrol stations on the secondary road network must close, but food can still be purchased.
    Source: Dutch government