ESTA Newsflash: Driving restrictions in Austria for 2022

The Federal Minister for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility in Austria has published details of additional driving bans in Austria for 2022.

The driving bans apply for trucks or articulated vehicles with a maximum permissible total weight of more than 7.5 tonnes and trucks with trailers where the sum of the maximum permissible total weights of both vehicles is more than 7.5 tonnes.

The details of all driving restrictions can be found on the dedicated website of the Austrian Government here: Lkw Fahrverbot auf Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen.

This online guide informs you whether you are allowed to drive your truck, articulated vehicle or self-propelled machine on Austrian motorways and motorways. It also includes regional driving restrictions and there is also a quick questionnaire covering the most important transit routes.