Bulgaria’s heavy transport association has asked for ESTA’s support in pressing the country’s authorities to update their regulations on heavy and abnormal road transport. ESTA President David Collett wrote to Mladen Ganchev, chairman of NSPIT’s board and manager of Bulgarian heavy transport company Holleman to offer ESTA’s backing.
NSPIT – the Bulgarian Association for the Transportation of Oversized Cargoes – joined ESTA last year. The organization was formed three years ago. Through the letter to Mr Ganchev, David Collett urged the Bulgarian authorities you to align their laws and regulations governing abnormal transport with those in other European countries.
The letter said: “We understand the present system is very expensive and consists of too many components. This causes Bulgarian abnormal transport permits to be amongst the most expensive in Europe.” Collett also recommended that Bulgaria adopts the European Best Practice Guidelines for Abnormal Road Transport, published by the European Commission.
When NSPIT joined ESTA, Mladen Ganchev said at the time: “Our goal at NSPIT is to change many aspects in the law and regulations in Bulgaria, as they are over 20 years old and do not correspond to the modern rules and equipment. The more countries that are represented in ESTA, the better our concerns will be heard, both in Brussels and by our national governments. ”