ESTA has lined up four expert speakers to address its meetings in the Netherlands on April 20 in the run-up to the awards dinner that evening.
Twice a year, ESTA holds meetings of its crane and transport section members, along with a joint meeting for issues that are of significance to both. The meetings are used as a platform to discuss subjects of current importance.
Mammoet Operations Director Ludo Mous will address the Transport Section on the initiative to develop a European Trailer Operator Licence (ETOL) for SPMT operators, using the experience and structures developed by ESTA in its work on ECOL, the European Crane Operators Licence.
Also in the transport section, Helmut Schgeiner, CEO of German heavy transport and crane association BSK, will update the meeting on the latest permitting issues with the VEMAGS system and Autobahn GmbH in Germany.
In the Crane Section, Bas van Gruijthuijsen, technical general manager for Dutch certification and inspection organisation Aboma, will speak about the implications of the new European Machinery Regulation for the crane industry.
And in the joint meeting, sustainable fuel expert Robert Goevaers – programme manager for Hytrucks and co-chair of the European Biogas Association – will speak about the future of hydrogen in road transport applications.
The section meetings and the joint meeting will take place in afternoon before the ESTA Awards in the Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin, Noordwijk aan Zee, the Netherlands, starting at 1300.
They are open to all members, affiliates and guests – but please note that registration is mandatory. For further details or to register, go to the ESTA website at
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