European transport companies will have to deal with new rules for driving and rest times, cabotage, secondment and the introduction of the smart tachograph 2 after the European Parliament approved a new range of Mobility Package proposals on July 9.
The new regulations for driving and rest times will take effect first, in September this year, with other changes introduced over several years as the relevant authorities discuss how the new rules can be enforced.
Parliament’s approval was the last hurdle in the legislative process and is the culmination of three years of detailed and often difficult negotiations.
In early 2017, the European Commission presented the proposals that became known as Mobility Package 1 with which it wanted to tackle a number of abuses in the transport sector. For example, the new rules were designed to combat mailbox companies, end systematic cabotage and improve the working conditions of international transport drivers.
To do this, the Commission proposed a revision of the Driving and Rest Time Regulations and the Market Access and Occupation Regulations. The Commission’s proposals caused great controversy between Member States and the final agreement is a compromise that the industry believes includes both good and bad points.
ESTA Director Ton Klijn said: “ESTA is not entirely positive about the outcome, but we are pleased that there is finally clarity about which rules will apply to our sector.
“However, while it is good that the new regulations are finally in place – and they look to be an improvement over what existed previously – we will be watching closely how they are interpreted and enforced. If they become over bureaucratic or impractical for our members, we will be lobbying for amendments in future.”
ESTA is a member of the IRU, the international road transpirt organisation. For more information on the Mobility Package, go to the IRU website here
(Additional information supplied by TLN)